The riot rye Oven

The riot rye oven is a heat retaining masonary oven, designed by Alan Scott, a world-renowned pioneer and designer of highly efficient wood-fired ovens.

Joe discussed his ideas for the bakery with Alan and its location in the eco-village. Alan recommended this particular oven design: the oven measures 120cm x 180cm internally, is lined with masonary bricks and then set in 12cm of refractory concrete. Joe constructed the oven with his friend Mando in 2011.

The riot rye Oven
The riot rye Oven

Masonary ovens achieve not just higher temperatures but also better heat retention, radiation and conduction of heat. All these factors result in lighter, airier and crustier bread. Riot rye source all timber from local, sustainably managed beech and ash woodlands.

The riot rye Oven
Julie & Joe at Riot Rye
image by Gentl & Hyers

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