Flour Mills

We are delighted to be stocking the Mockmill range. They’re perfect table-top domestic mills that allow you to enjoy the full flavour and nutrition of the freshest flour possible. We’ve been using one in our Bakehouse for the last 2 years!

Price for all Mockmills includes delivery to the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland and they are all fitted with an Ireland plug. Please note orders are shipped direct from Germany and take 2-3 weeks for delivery.

We will also send you 3kg of your choice of irish grains/berries to get you started with your Mockmill!

We also stock Irish grains for your Mockmill here.

Mockmill 100 image 2

Mockmill 100

Wolfgang Mock


Mockmill LINO 100

Wolfgang Mock


Mockmill 200 made in Germany

Mockmill 200

Wolfgang Mock


Mockmill LINO 200

Mockmill LINO 200

Wolfgang Mock


Mockmill Professional 200

Mockmill Professional 200

Wolfgang Mock


Julie & Joe at Riot Rye
image by Gentl & Hyers

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