Terms & Conditions for Booking Classes and Vouchers

In the unfortunate and unlikely event that a class has to be cancelled, we will always try and give you as much notice as we reasonably can and you will be offered the choice of an alternative class or a full refund. We will not be liable for any other costs or expenses that you may incur.

Bookings are made on a first come, first served basis on receipt of full payment. If you have booked and have to cancel you must let us know at least 4 weeks in advance of the class to change your class date or receive a refund minus €10 for administration costs. You are welcome however to send someone else in your place. These rules apply equally to gift voucher bookings. If you have to cancel 4 weeks or less in advance, we will do our best to fill your place and if we do so, we will refund you the class fee minus €10 for administration costs.

Where you are unable to attend a class due to adverse weather conditions, illness or other personal circumstances our booking and cancellation policy will still apply, however, at our sole discretion we will offer alternative dates for a replacement class at short notice.
We reserve the right to alter or amend classes.

We do not allow class participants to take video footage or film on any of our classes as it interferes with the running of the class. Participants are permitted to take occasional still photographs to record their day but are asked to be sensitive to the privacy and enjoyment of other participants.

Gift Vouchers can be redeemed by email or telephone.

Julie & Joe at Riot Rye
image by Gentl & Hyers

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