Julie & Joe
here from Riot Rye
Welcome to our online baking community!
Here’s what you can expect from us as a baking community member.
Joe’s Weekly Email
You will receive a short email from Joe every week with baking tips which will focus on a particular area of your baking. You can unsubscribe at any point.
Baking Tips
Check out our Baking Tips page on our website, if your question isn’t answered, then email joe@riotrye.ie and he will respond to a selection of questions every month on the Baking Tips page.
Joe’s Monthly Bread Focus
Based on the baking community’s questions, Joe will post a deeper dive into a particular aspect of baking once a month on our Baking Tips page.
To download your free sourdough starter cycle guide click here.
To ensure you don’t miss out on all your baking tips, check our emails are landing in your inbox and not your spam/promotions folders.